fredag 15 oktober 2010

Framgång för vår Västsahara resolution på ELDR

ELDR Congressen i Helsingfors har fattat en rad mycket bra beslut.
Jag återkommer till dem i en separat blogg längre fram.

Just nu är jag jätteglad över att liberalerna på kongressen ställde sig bakom Folkpartiets resolution om att arbeta för att fiskeavtalet mellan EU och Marocko inte ska förlängas om inte det ockuperade Västsaharas fiskevatten exkluderas ur avtalet. Det är inte förenligt med internationell rätt att en ockupationsmakt drar nytta av ockuperat territorium utan att det faller det ockuperade folket till del.

Här är en av mina riksdagsmotioner om EU:s avtal med Marocko som rör Västsahara.
Och här är en annan motion som handlar om Västsaharas självbestämmande.
Se också min fråga till jordbruksminister Eskil Erlandsson om fiskeavtalet.

Och här är mitt tal för resolutionen:

Thank you Madam Chair
Dear fellow-liberals

In 1975 Western Sahara in northern Africa was invaded by Morocco and has been occupied since then.

Moroccos claims to Western Sahara have been rejected by the International Court of Justice.
And the clams are not recognised by the UN.

The fish stocks offshore Western Sahara do not belong to Morocco.
The resources of Western Sahara belongs to its people, the Saharawis.

And according to international law the Saharawi peoples right over its natural resources should be respected.

Never the less the EU-Moroccan Fisheries Agreement of 2006 opened for EU fisheries in West Saharian waters.

Through the EU-Moroccan Fisheries Agreement, the EU gives an unfortunate support to Moroccos unfounded claims over occupied Western Sahara.

And the conditions for respecting international law have not been met, according to the Legal Service of the European Parliament.

In May (2010) Morocco refused the European Parliament permission to visit the territory in order to investigate the implications of cooperation. And Morocco has still not (up to this day in October 2010) presented any evidence to prove that the Saharawi people has been in any way consulted or that the fisheries activities in Western Sahara are to the benefit of the Saharawi people.

Western Sahara should therefore be excluded from the renewed EU-Moroccan Fisheries Agreement.

This is an ethical matter.
A legal matter.
And a political matter.

Let me quote the former UN secretary-general for legal affairs, ambassador Hans Corell on this matter. On a conference on international law in 2008 Mr Corell said, that it is
”…obvious that an agreement…that does not make a distinction between the waters adjacent to Western Sahara and the waters adjacent to the territory of Morocco would violate international law.”

Ambassador Corell also added: ”As a European I feel embarrassed.”

So the Swedish liberals in Folkpartiet now call for all liberals in Europe to speak with one voice in this matter. And that we work together to reject any extension of the EU-Moroccan Fisheries Agreement – as long as Western Sahara is not clearly excluded from the agreement now that it is up for renewal.

And from Folkpartiet liberalerna we ask you to support our resolution.

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

as sahrawi i am very very happy for this resolution, and i want to thankyou en behalfe of my opressed people,
with this kind of actions we the sahraui begin to see the light in the end of tunel,
thank you to all liberals for their support to the resolution and thank you especialy
all the best
a saharawi women

Agneta sa...

Dear Madam,
Thank you for your kind words.
During my time in the Swedish Parliament I have in different ways worked to come closer to a better situation for the Saharawi people. Now, since I no longer are in the Parliament, I hope that other parlimentarians and political active liberals will continue the efforts.
I do much admire the patience you have to endure the conditions both in the camps of Tindouf, in the occupied territory and for your youth in Morocco.
All my best to you and your people.
Agneta Berliner